Some weekends just warrant a post on the blog and last weekend was one of those weekends! Taylor, Stephanie and I left town last Saturday morning about 9:00 heading to Little Rock for the George and Reba concert. We had been looking forward to it for weeks and we were not disappointed!!
Our first stop was in Alma where we picked Mom up and headed to Cracker Barrel for breakfast. It was great as usual and we really enjoyed being with Mom. After we ate, we took Mom back to the house and hit the interstate. We talked and talked as girls will do. We decided that we needed a break before we hit the big city so we stopped in Conway and spent some time at TJ Maxx and More. Of course we did spend a few bucks, most of which was for our little angel, Grace! She is soooo much more fun to shop for than anyone else. I did find a couple of new shirts for myself and ended up wearing one of the to the concert and the other one home the next day. It felt good to be wearing short sleeves for a change! After we had searched every inch of that store, we decided to head on into Little Rock and check in to our hotel. Mike had requested that we not drive home after the concert since it would be so late. We gladly obliged that request!
We got to our hotel around 3:00 and got checked in and started trying to decide where we were going to have dinner. Stephanie had printed off a book for us listing all the possibilities in Little Rock. We had discussed some possibilities on the road from Conway to Little Rock. We settled on Cajun's Wharf! It was awesome and Taylor and I don't even eat seafood! We both had a ribeye that was cooked to perfection.
Then it was off the Verizon to find a parking place and get settled. Many people!!! We found a pretty good spot to park, though, and headed in. It didn't take long to find our seats and enjoy some people watching before things got fired up.We asked the lady in front of us to take our picture and she was happy to do so! I love these girls so much!!!!
At last, the moment we had been waiting for arrived. The lights went down and Lee Ann Womack took the stage! She did a great job. Taylor's camera had such a good zoom that she was able to get some really great pictures. Lee Ann was on stage for about 40 minutes then there was a break while they were preparing the stage for Reba.
Reba did an amazing job as well. She sang both old songs of hers and some of the new ones. She was dressed in black during the bulk of her show, but she changed into the red for her encore of Fancy. She came out into the arena in a mini-couper cab and got out in the fancy red dress complete with red high heels. I'm not a big fan of Reba's, but her part of the show was great!!
Then, the real act took the stage!! As much as I like Lee Ann and as good as Reba's part of the show was, the real reason I was there was to see George! He has been my favorite entertainer since he first began. I have been privileged to see him 4 different times in concert. I have to say, that I would go again tomorrow if I had the time and the money. He sounded and looked as good as he ever did and I am already looking forward to the next time I get to go and see him. I think the girls will be ready to go again as soon as possible, too.
I want to say a big thank you to Taylor and Stephanie for helping make the weekend so special. I am looking forward to many more girl trips with them as long as they will let this old woman hang out with them!! I love you girls!!!
10 years ago